Welcome to FCF (now technically FCMWF, I suppose).
We're Andrew Meyerhoefer and Seth Kumpf. My name goes first because this is my idea. Also, Seth sucks and derailed this for, like, 3 months. (Since I said this, Seth thought it would be funny to make my name real big in his panel for the title, so I now feel kind of guilty, but not that guilty.)
So what is FCF? When I was in highschool, I created this game where my friends and I would make a silly comic panel by panel. I'd usually draw the first panel on a piece of notebook paper, and it would get passed back and forth in between classes throughout the day. Each time the page was passed, the new owner would have to draw one and ONLY one panel to try and advance the plot. It wouldn't take long for one of us to try and force the other into increasingly crazy stories. By the end of the day, the final product rarely resembled the opening panel.
Recently, I decided to try doing the same thing over the internet, pitching the idea to my good friend and art-monkey, Seth. Every Friday one of us would draw a panel and post it on the other's Facebook wall. Unfortunately, doing this only for ourselves allowed us the room to slack after a while. Weeks to months would pass with one of us forgetting to do a panel.
The solution? Make a blog of it. Maybe if we could get enough outside interest (even if only from our friends), we may be able to stay focused. I mean, one to two panels every week for each of us isn't really that bad.
So check us out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, where we should hopefully have a new panel. Probably. Maybe.